This page will highlight media coverage on the situation at Radio Canada International (RCI).
If you spot articles about RCI – please email our spokesperson at – and if the article/audio/video is on line, please send us a link.
Neither CRTC nor CBC following the law by allowing dismantling Radio Canada International
Prominent Canadians rally to save Radio Canada International one more time
Une réorganisation qui inquiète à Radio Canada International
More Cuts to Radio Canada International
“Officials at CBC/Radio-Canada announced a fresh round of cuts at Radio Canada International (RCI) on Thursday as part of a “major transformation” of the beleaguered international service of Canada’s public broadcaster…”
Senadora…protesta por recorte al servicio de español…
«Ceci est simplement inacceptable. Il s’agit d’un coup mortel et non d’une modernisation! En plus, donner ce coup de masse en pleine pandémie est irresponsable. Tous les expatriés, soldats, diplomates comptent sur RC international pour avoir de nouvelles de leur patrie. Les premières informations que j’ai eu au sujet du Québec et du Canada lorsque j’habitais encore au Pérou ont été via RC international…Une fois ici, j’écoute toujours RC international en espagnol, ça fait chaud au coeur. On doit protester !!!»
Suppression de postes…
«Ce n’est pas le mandat confié par le Parlement canadien à RCI», a tonné le syndicat.
«Tout en exigeant l’annulation des suppressions des emplois annoncées, le STTRC réclame des ressources supplémentaires pour permettre à RCI de «réaliser pleinement son mandat». »
Le syndicat dénonce une «coupe à blanc»
«Le Syndicat rappelle que ce n’est pas la première fois que RCI subit «les assauts» de la direction de Radio-Canada, accusée d’abandonner le mandat de RCI d’être la voix du Canada à l’étranger, selon ce que stipule la loi sur la radiodiffusion.»
Nuevos recortes al servicio internacional de Radio Canadá
“Las autoridades de la Sociedad Radio-Canada anunciaron un nuevo plan de reestructuración para Radio Canadá Internacional, que en la práctica significará el fin de la producción de material propio, además de un nuevo recorte de personal.”
Restructuration sur fond d’abolition de postes à Radio Canada Internationl
«Le diffuseur public souhaite transformer son service international.»
«Ça relève quasiment du saccage! On a déjà eu 200 personnes qui travaillaient à RCI, se souvient ainsi Pierre Tousignant, président du SCRC. Et là, il reste combien de personnes?»
«Je trouve que sous couvert de vouloir assurer la pérennité de RCI et de dire qu’on veut le rendre pertinent, on ampute littéralement la fonction internationale de RCI. Je pensais que RCI était pertinent, point à la ligne.»
What you’ll find below is coverage from 2012.
Some of the links no longer work, because the media outlets have been re-configured, or no longer support, their original articles.
Highlights here – extensive list below
FROM TORONTO SUN – JULY 2, 2012 —–link here—————————————————————-
“The chipping away at Canada continues apace.
“Radio Canada International’s shortwave service was, quite literally, Canada’s voice to the world for nearly 70 years — through wars, through triumphs and disasters, through it all. It has been part of our history. And, now, it’s gone.”
FROM RADIO NEW ZEALAND – AUGUST 6, 2012—–link here——-WITH AUDIO————————-
FROM OTTAWA CITIZEN – JUNE 22, 2012—–link here————————————————————
OTTAWA – Unless the CBC rethinks its “utterly reprehensible” decision to eliminate Radio Canada International’s shortwave service, its senior managers will be called to explain the decision to a special Senate inquiry, Conservative Senator Hugh Segal said Thursday.
FROM OTTAWA CITIZEN – JUNE 16, 2012 —–link here————————————————————
“OTTAWA — If CBC carries through with its plan to reduce Radio Canada International from a shortwave radio service to an internet radio station, it will effectively be taking Canada out of international broadcasting, a U.S. broadcast specialist said Saturday.
“Just having a web page or internet presence isn’t enough,” Kim Andrew Elliott told the Citizen. “You can build a website but they will not necessarily come. It’s easy to get lost among the thousands of other internet sites.” ”
FROM OTTAWA CITIZEN – JUNE 15, 2012—-link here————————————————————–
“OTTAWA — In apparent collaboration with the Conservative government, CBC is slashing 80 per cent of Radio Canada’s budget and busting the venerable Voice of Canada international shortwave service down to an Internet radio station.”
FROM CANADIAN PRESS – JUNE 15, 2012 —-link here————————————————————-
“OTTAWA – The Conservative cabinet has quietly changed a rule that could have prevented the CBC from following through on its plan to cut its international shortwave radio service.
“Supporters of Radio Canada International, which faces a near fatal 80-per-cent budget cut from the CBC, say that amounts to the government essentially ending all uncensored Canadian broadcasts to places like China and Russia.”
FROM NETWORK/TORONTO STAR – MAY1, 2012 —-link here———————————————————–
“Even from the relative distance of the United States, it’s painful to witness the brutal gagging of the broadest-reaching voice of Canadian international diplomacy.
“The recently announced cuts to the CBC have garnered considerable press. However, what has not received sufficient press is the story of the cuts which threaten the very existence of Radio Canada International.”
HEADLINES AND LINKS—————————————————————————————————–
Toronto Sun – July 2, 2012 – Killing CBC shortwave service was shortsighted
Washington Post – June 26, 2012 – Radio Canada International: Budget cuts take their toll [Video]
J-Source – June 25, 2012 – Radio Canada International goes off-air, moving online-only after 67 years of shortwave service
Ottawa Citizen – June 22, 2012 – Tory senator wants CBC called on carpet for slashing shortwave service
Montreal Gazette – June 22, 2012 – Odd decision silences Canada’s international radio voice
Le Devoir – Juin 21, 2012 – Sale temps pour RCI – Radio Canada international sort des ondes
Ottawa Citizen – June 16, 2012 – Web-only presence for RCI a shortsighted decision, says American broadcast expert
Huffington Post – June 15, 2012 – Radio Canada International: Cabinet Cuts Protection For CBC’s Shortwave Radio Service
98.5 – Juin 15, 2012 – Le cabinet conservateur a voté un décret pour permettre les coupes à RCI
Ottawa Citizen – June 15, 2012 – Cuts to silence radio’s Voice of Canada broadcast
Canadian Press – June 15, 2012 – Cabinet cuts shortwave radio protection, sparking concern from doomed service–159240595.html
Toronto Star – May 1, 2012 – The Terrible Cost Of Cutting International Radio
Montreal Gazette – April 15, 2012 – CBC cuts gut cherished Radio Canada International
The Economist – July 7, 2012 – Short-wave radio – Tuning out – A cold-war stalwart goes out of fashion
BBG Watch – June 28, 2012 – Chen Guangcheng – Foreign broadcasters are wrong to stop broadcasting in shortwave to China
New York Review of Books – June 26, 2012 – ‘Pressure for Change is at the Grassroots’: An Interview with Chen Guangcheng